Cítite sa pod psa? Išli ste už niekedy pod nôž? Alebo ste už opäť zdravý? Boost your vocabulary and learn these idioms with us!
● to be/feel under the weather – to be/feel ill
● to go under the knife – to undergo surgery
● to be up and about – to be out of bed after being sick/ill or sleeping
● to be/feel under the weather – cítiť sa pod psa
● to go under the knife – ísť pod nôž, ísť na operáciu
● to be up and about – byť zase v poriadku/zdravý/na nohách
I am feeling under the weather today.
My dad is going under knife on Friday.
The surgery went well, so I will be up and about soon.
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Last modified: 01/12/2017